
Tobacco/Vaping Cessation Resources

Visit to learn about different tools to help you quit and how to use them.

Create Your Quit Plan - Being prepared boosts your chances of quitting successfully. Create your personalized quit plan now.

Tips for Slips - Many smokers slip and smoke a cigarette while they’re quitting smoking. You’re not alone. Don’t use a slip as an excuse to start smoking again.

Coping With Stress Without Smoking - Stress is a normal part of life - in moderation it can help you reach your goals, but too much stress creates more problems. Managing stress is a key part of quitting smoking.


Smokefree Texting Programs (National Cancer Institute) - Free 24/7 encouragement, advice and tips to help you stay motivated and quit smoking for good.

  • SmokefreeTXT - text QUIT to 47848
  • SmokefreeTXT en español - text ESP al 47848
  • SmokefreeMOM (pregnant women) - text MOM to 222888
  • SmokefreeVET (Veterans enrolled in VA health care) - text VET to 47848
  • SmokefreeVET en español - text VETESP al 47848
Telephone Quitlines

Talking to someone about quitting smoking can be the support you might need to see it through. Consider talking to an expert for help.

800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) - Call this number to connect directly to your state’s quitline. Hours of operation and services vary from state to state.

877-44U-QUIT (877-448-7848- (English/Spanish) - Hosted by the National Cancer Institute. Call Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern time.

855-QUIT-VET (855-784-8838) - Military Personnel and Veterans receiving care through the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA). 

Language Specific Quitlines - (CDC and National Cancer Institute)

Nicotine Dependence

Some people become addicted to the drug nicotine. Of course, nicotine is found in tobacco products and in products made for vaping. Since it affects your brain and body, breaking this addiction is difficult.


Smoking & Your Health

We all know cigarette smoking is bad for you. We know it hurts your lungs. But did you know it can hurt you in other ways, too? Let's learn about the ways smoking affects your body.


Vape Free VA

Vape Free VA offers free vaping resources for teens and young adults. Learn more about the risks of vaping and get tips on how to quit for good.

Free coaching, talking points and resources for their Support Circles too - parents, guardians, coaches, educators, physicians, and other adults who want to support a young person in quitting vaping. 

Vaping Resources for Teens & Families

Tobacco Education Resource Library offers access to free resources for teachers, students, and parents to learn more about the dangers of vaping nicotine.

  • Talk to your family doctor about treatment options
  • Visit and
  • CDC Quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW
  • For Young People: Text DITCHVAPE to 88709
  • For Families Helping Young People: Text QUIT to 202-899-7550
Electronic Cigarettes

These smoking devices heat liquid nicotine to create a vapor. You inhale this vapor into your lungs. Nicotine in the vapor enters your bloodstream. It stimulates your body, activating reward circuits in your brain.


LGBTQ+ Resources

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 24/7, free and confidential support 

  • Call - 988 and select option 3
  • Text - "PRIDE" to 988
  • Chat - select LGTBQI+ in pre-chat survey at

Coming Out - A Handbook for LGBTQ Young People

Depression & the LGBTQ+ Community

How to Support LGBTQ Victims & Survivors of Sexual Violence

LGBT National Help Center

NAMI Pride

Online Safety for LGBTQ Young People

Supporting Black LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health

The Trevor Project - The only national 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention lifeline for LGBTQ young people (ages 13-24). Services are available 24/7/365, nationwide, 100% free & confidential.

Trans Lifeline - Peer support phone service run by trans people for trans and questioning peers.

  • Call - 1-877-565-8860

Problem Gambling Resources

CBH Problem Gambling Prevention Campaign

1-800-GAMBLER Fact Sheet

Need Support for a Gambling Problem? - If you or someone you know is struggling with a gambling problem, help is available. The National Council on Problem Gambling provides a range of resources, including answers to commonly asked questions, a gambling behavior self assessment, information about treatment and the National Problem Gambling Helpline (1-800-GAMBLER) to help connect you with local resources.

Problem Gambling – “The Hidden Addiction”

Problem Gambling Fact Sheet

Problem Gambling Self Assessment - If you are concerned about your gambling habits, take this ten-question quiz. If your score indicates you might be at risk, help and treatment options are available.

Problem Gambling Treatment Options - Overcoming a gambling problem is never easy but treatment options are available, and recovery is possible. Each person is unique, so it is important to find a path for treatment fit to your specific needs.

Virginia Prevention Works – Gaming and Gambling

What Happens When You Call the Gambling Helpline

What is Problem Gambling? - Whether you’re seeking information for yourself or a loved one, we’re here to help you gain a better understanding of what problem gambling is, its impact and how to find support. Explore the following frequently asked questions to find valuable insights and resources related to problem gambling.

Local Resources:

National Resources: